Hawkins, a sophomore international relations and policy studies major, belongs to Verbal Blend, a spoken word program at SU.
###Thursday, December 30, 2010
Can y'all hear me?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
"I'm pulling the dirt together"
Sunday, December 26, 2010
"I created a separate identity."
Sunday, November 28, 2010
My final story: Verbal Blend
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Gay Talese is my hero.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Rick Destito: my version
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Black Olive
Last week, I interned for the last time at New York Family, one of my two magazine internships this summer. Though it wasn't what I originally intended or wanted to do, the 12 weeks gave me great additional experience and many clips, one or two of which I'll post once they're published.
In the meantime, I wanted to post some of my work from the past that regrettably will probably never be published. Understandably so, seeing as how I did the work for the purpose of my Newhouse courses. Still, I put a lot into them, and think if there's anywhere I should publish them it should be here.
Even before I came to Syracuse University, I was interested in the Connective Corridor concept--the idea that through a series of creative projects and measures, a fallen city could eventually be revitalized. I then had a brief stint as the downtown Syracuse beat reporter of The Daily Orange. When it came time to take NEW 305 (News Reporting) in the Spring of '09 and each student was required to choose a beat, I was still passionate and curious enough about downtown Syracuse to keep it as my own. I then produced at least six stories about the ways in which people in Syracuse were trying to make it a better and more exciting place to live. Despite popular belief, Syracuse is not so bad. The sad part is, that it could be better and there are very limited attempts or interest in making it so.
In any case, the above is one of the last projects we worked on. We were required to use Soundslides and Audacity to produce a multimedia project that tells a story related to our beat. A few weeks before it was due I discovered that a new restaurant was opening and decided it was the perfect opportunity. The people I met at this Mediterranean restaurant, The Black Olive, were super friendly and I was able to sit and talk to the owner as well as many of the employees. I also got to go behind the scenes (into the kitchen) and taste some of the delicious food! They recently celebrated the restaurant's 1-year anniversary, which is nice.
It was my first multimedia project ever--and it looks it. But it was so fun to make and led me to decide that in addition to writing, I'd love to experience with multimedia, producing and editing--also very effective ways to tell stories.
More soon.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Analog Girl

Last time I spoke to Analog Girl and Christian Van Luven, they confirmed that she will be coming to Syracuse in the fall. It'll be really cool to meet her and see her perform live :)
Friday, April 9, 2010
They call him ToTs

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
- Adam Gold, member of Sophistafunk/co-owner of Funk N' Waffles/ToTs' roommate
For two weeks I worked, for what seemed, endlessly on a feature story for our music magazine on campus, 20 Watts. It's a profile on Michael Heagerty, a local Syracuse rapper. I did several interviews with him, his family members and his friends and also went to see him perform at Funk N' Waffles, a fun cozy waffle joint/concert venue near campus. I actually knew him before I decided to take on the story and it was really great talking to him and learning more about his rapping and life in general. It's been fun but also ridiculously time-consuming. I seriously did not focus on anything else these past two weeks but doing the interviews, research, making sure the words sound right... writing is such a stressful process for me sometimes, but as I've said many times before it's always worth it . I'm really excited to see it published. It's the longest piece I'll have published to date! (1,800 words) so this is huge for me and I'm really happy about it and hope everyone likes it too. I think the issue will be released towards the end of March. I'll definitely post about it when it is :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Anyway, to the point. I decided to send him an e-mail a few days ago to follow up and see how he was doing. Turns out, he is now the Associate Designer for up and coming fashion label, Thakoon. (The label has been profiled a few times by major magazines; Michelle Obama wore a Thakoon dress to the Democratic National Convention in 2008). Last time I spoke to Takada he was still working as a pattern maker and trying to figure out where he wanted to go next and how he would do so - so to learn that a year later he's quickly moving forward and loving it is really inspiring. He's prepping for Fashion Week with the label's Fall '10 line. How exciting! It makes me so happy to see the transformation from dreamer to a dream come true.
Just thought I'd share. :)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I received an e-mail from my internship supervisor for The Florentine this morning informing me that my Switzerland article was published in this week's issue! I found a minor mistake, but hopefully it's fixed soon. See it here :)
And some personal photos, some of which I've posted on my travel blog, but that's okay:
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I was abroad in Florence, Italy last semester when, during my second interview with The Florentine, Giacomo (my supervisor-to-be) said "Would you like to go to Switzerland and write an article for our student issue?" I was ecstatic. OF COURSE! I jumped at the opportunity.
While in Florence, I decided that the Switzerland trip would be the beginning of the documentation of what I hope will be an exciting journalism career.
It's not just about the free travel perks. Or free anything. For the past few years, journalism has provided so many opportunities for me to meet the best people, learn new things, and go places. Literally, figuratively. I love it. Even when I think I'm not good enough to write, report, observe, DO THIS, I immediately realize that a) I am and b) I can't imagine doing anything else. I think there's so much out there not to care. And people are so interesting. We all have stories to tell.
So here's to my journey! (And hopefully some great stories).